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Learn How Juliet Laser Can Help with Vaginal Rejuvenation

Learn How Juliet Laser Can Help with Vaginal Rejuvenation

Vaginal rejuvenation is done for both cosmetic and medical reasons. It has the ability to address and improve some serious issues that can alter the quality of life for a woman. One of the best treatments is the Juliet erbium laser, which can heal and repair vaginal tissue with little to no downtime. 

At Apex Dermatology in Westlake Village, California, we believe in using the best, state-of-the-art technology for our patients, and this noninvasive treatment gets results our patients love.

Karin Harp, MD, FAAD, FASDS, Kristin Rupert, PA-C, and Eva Hurst PA-C fully understand how resolving cosmetic, physical, and medical issues can make a huge difference in a woman’s physical and mental state. 

Issues requiring vaginal rejuvenation

Vaginal atrophy is when the tissue in the vaginal area becomes thin, dry or inflamed. This can be a result of reduced estrogen levels and perimenopause, menopause, or because of cancer treatments. It causes intercourse and urination to be painful, and can also cause frequent urination or urinary incontinence. 

When the vagina becomes dry and does not lubricate properly, it can make sexual intercourse a challenge, which can clearly take a large toll on a relationship. And urinary incontinence can be a major embarrassment. The other issue may be loose skin and tissue, which takes away from the tightness of the vagina and vulvar tissues. In the past, surgical procedures such as vaginoplasty or labiaplasty were used to correct these issues. Now, with the Juliet Laser treatment, there is finally a noninvasive procedure that may be a much better option for many women. Juliet Laser treatment offers far fewer risks and side effects than surgery with minimal downtime with excellent results over a series of short treatments.

How the Juliet laser works

What makes the Juliet laser unique, is that it delivers two passes of energy to exactly the right levels - not too deep or too shallow. The first vaporizes the tissue with erbium laser energy (ablation), and the second pass uses a warming effect. Both actually cause the area to be slightly injured. While this may sound counterintuitive, it actually forces the healing process to kick in by stimulating new blood vessels and nerve endings, and producing new elastin and collagen. This will youthen and tighten the skin while increasing lubrication.

Each Juliet laser treatment lasts about 15-30 minutes and has little to no discomfort or downtime. You’ll probably feel a warm sensation and a light “knocking” sensation. The internal treatment does not require any numbing.  For the external treatment, we use topical numbing for best patient comfort. We recommend two or three treatments to get the most benefits, and space them four to six weeks apart. 

Risks and side effects are low, but may uncommonly include bleeding or infection. And you should avoid sex, swimming, and hot tubs for four days after each treatment.

What the Juliet laser can do

The Juliet laser can improve the conditions mentioned above, mainly vaginal dryness, loose tissue and skin, and stress urinary incontinence. It’s a great alternative to invasive surgery; and it may help women avoid estrogen therapy or assist with the effects of estrogen blockers, which can have many challenging side effects. Juliet treatment improves tissue sensation, moisture, shape, and support by treating the exact tissue layer needed and allowing your body to rejuvenate itself to a more youthful time.  

Vaginal rejuvenation can make a huge difference in your life, and the Juliet laser helps both cosmetically and medically. It can also help you personally, and allow sexual intercourse to be pleasurable once again. Come in for a consultation by calling us or using the Request Appointment button

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