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Gentle Peels for a More Vibrant Complexion

Gentle Peels for a More Vibrant Complexion

The outer layers of your skin take a beating, from sun damage to dehydration. You might notice issues with your complexion, including dullness, uneven skin tone, dark spots, and acne scarring.

Want a clear start? At Apex Dermatology of Westlake Village, California, our experienced aesthetics team offers chemical skin peels to gently and effectively remove the damaged outer layers of your skin and reveal the clean, vibrant new skin beneath. You’ll be amazed at how much of a difference you see when your full results appear after your peel treatment.

If you have sensitive skin, are chemical peels for you? Absolutely. Talk to the Apex Dermatology team about gentle peels that won’t cause adverse reactions.

How do skin peels work?

Skin peels involve a controlled application of an acid treatment to a treatment area like your face. Your provider at Apex Dermatology ensures that your peel won’t unduly irritate your skin.

The active ingredients in your chemical peel treatment remove the outside layers of your skin, where sun damage, blemishes, and scarring are most visible. After your peel, the inner, unblemished layers of your skin come to the surface, giving your complexion a fresh start.

Skin peels don’t just slough off blemishes and dark marks. Post-treatment, your complexion improves in brilliance and vibrancy. You may even notice reduced visibility of fine lines and wrinkles in the treatment area as your full results appear.

Gentle options, real results

In the first three days or so following your peel treatment session, your skin reacts with redness and peeling. Cosmetic results start to appear about three days in, with complete results visible in 3-5 days.

At Apex Dermatology, we offer multiple peel treatments for your skin care and aesthetic needs. You can select from options including:

To find out more about your skin peel options through Apex Dermatology, get in touch with our skincare specialist Lani Keene and the rest of our team. We can suggest the right treatment option for your skin care and anti-aging needs.

Schedule your initial consultation appointment over the phone, or request an appointment online today. 

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